Your Niche

As I stated in the previous post, I went back to school to get my coding certificate. Last semester was Disorders and Diseases. And believe me on this…there are an obscene amount of disorders out there. Not to mention all the “drugs” that are associated with them. And yes, I did have to memorize them. Nothing a little photo memory and flash cards couldn’t handle.  This semester I am enrolled in ICD-9 class and loving it.  You know how when you start something new and think why haven’t I been doing this all along. That is how I feel.  I think I found my niche!  Don’t get me wrong, I did have a minor freak out last night when I thought I was coding everything wrong. Only to get reassurance from some gals at work.  It has been difficult working full-time and going to school all the while maintaining the household and taking care of a two-year-old and three-month old.  I only get to see them for a little while in the morning on Wednesdays. That is not enough. I know they are in great care with their dad, but nonetheless, I miss them like crazy.

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