Window Shopping

Remember in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts walks down Rodeo Drive to do her shopping or in all those Christmas movies you watched as a kid, someone always rushed to a mall to do their shopping. Man, have times changed.  If you are like me and need that retail therapy, we don’t go to our local mall for it, we do our window shopping online.  It is a quick and easy way (and cheaper!) to get that retail therapy in.  Just click “add to shopping cart” and your done. Then when you feel your therapy session is complete,  just exist out of the window. No time or money wasted driving from store to store.  This is how I get my therapy done, when I know that I am actually going to purchase things, I physically go to the store. There is nothing like seeing and holding that item in your hands!

Here are some items that I have sitting in my “cart”

As I have stated before, I have a thing for coffee cups. I am loving these. They’d make a great wedding gift. Purchase a few of these and your favorite bag of coffee, place in an adorable basket. Great personalized gift on a budget!

This cup speaks to my soul, my eighty-at-heart soul 🙂

When ever I window shop, I almost always shop for the home, not clothes. I am not sure why that is? Found here.

This hand crafted beauty is found here.

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